How to Become a Freelance Corporate Trainer

One business that is especially good if you have the motivation to work for yourself, is to be a classroom trainer where you teach adults. What can and should you teach and how do you go about starting the business? All is revealed below.

Why Being a Corporate Trainer Can Be Great Career Move

The training industry is one that will always exist as people always need to acquire new skills. Whatever the sector, there is always training needed whether it be to learn computer skills, soft skills (such as Unconscious Bias training), presentation skills, MS office training, Project Management or any other skill.

The point is that there is and CNFN always will be a need for training and hence a need for corporate trainers.

You might ask why company’s themselves do not offer the training and indeed, it is the case that often they do. The trainers they use though are often hired from outside the company and right here is an opportunity for you as a trainer.

It is often not cost-effective for a business to train a trainer to learn, research and provide the training when there is someone, such as yourself, who specializes in providing corporate training.

Being a trainer can be rewarding for a number of reasons. Firstly, you get to work for yourself by offering training to the company’s you want to work with or for the clients or people you build up.

Secondly, you can do a lot of work from home as a trainer. You will spend time, for example, creating and developing or planning the training (although if you buy off-the-shelf customizable training packages, you can avoid even having to do any of the research and avoid developing the training materials.

What Does a Corporate Trainer Do?

The idea is that you teach adult learners such as those in businesses, company’s or for people that you invite to workshops you hold yourself.

Certainly, if you can develop a client base of corporate clients, you simply go into the company once or twice a year and provide certain training. The fees you charge will reflect the fact that you are providing expertise in a certain field and offering training to several employees. In other words, offering corporate training can be quite profitable.

Using resources such as groups and other platforms online, you can alternatively hire a venue yourself and create an event. If you wish to offer Mindfulness for beginners courses, a platform such as can be a great place to build up a group of people who might be interested in your workshops.

As a corporate trainer, you do not have to necessarily be an expert in a particular subject at the beginning, but I would recommend that you have a definite interest in the subject/s you plan to provide training in. One of the keys to being a successful trainer, from my experience, is to have a genuine enthusiasm for what you teach. The students you teach will sense your interest or not and this can really impact the quality of the training you provide.